Urgent Support Services

What Constitutes Needing Urgent Support?

Urgent support could be used when you are in high distress or an emergency situation. Examples may include:

  • Thinking of harming oneself or other people
  • Recently experiencing a traumatic event
  • Engaging in self-injurious behaviors
  • Being unable to function (i.e. difficulty getting out of bed, change in appetite, etc.)

If you are unsure if this applies to you, we encourage you to call us at 252-328-6661.

If you are a Pirate in need of urgent support:

Call us at 252-328-6661 (if after 5 p.m. and on weekends, follow the phone prompts to reach an on-call counselor; there may be a wait due to high call volume at times, please remain on the line)

If you are concerned about a Pirate in need of urgent support:

  • Contact ECU Police at 252-328-6787 or call 911 for emergencies.
  •  Make an online report on a person of concern through the Dean of Students Office – ECU Cares (not for emergencies)

What can I expect for an urgent screening?

  • Screenings are completed on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Sessions are relatively brief, usually less than 30 minutes
  • The focus is on gathering information, assessing safety, and developing a plan of action
  • Screenings are not a replacement for therapy but can be helpful in times of need

24/7 Resources