While You Wait

Due to demand for counseling services, there may be a bit of a wait before your appointment.

We know wait times can be frustrating and inconvenient. Please know that we look forward to meeting with you. In the meantime, while none of these are a replacement for therapy, here are some options for what you can do while you wait for your counseling appointment:

Try out some relaxation techniques

Two Minute Meditation

Guided Imageries Beach

Guided Imageries Waterfall

Guided Imageries Forest

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Deep Breathing Strategies


Healing Hearts

This is a drop in group with a flexible format that may include both structured activities and open discussion regarding grief and loss. Objectives of the group are: 1) appreciate common grief responses and understand the variability in experiences; 2) provide a mutually supportive environment in order to explore thoughts, feelings, and behaviors surrounding bereavement; and 3) expand coping skills. You can learn more and sign up through The Pirate Experience.


Pirates Navigating Distress

Pirates Navigating Distress is a 3-session virtual skills seminar created for ECU students. This guided virtual learning tour is designed to introduce (and revisit) skills for coping with distress and times of change (rough seas), shifting from surviving to thriving (finding your sea legs), and cultivating a rich and meaningful life (steering the ship). 

Each module will provide you an introduction to a set of skills, as well as tips and resources for diving deeper on your own. The ideal progression is to complete the modules in order 1, 2, then 3; however, this is not required.

Virtual small group sessions are facilitated by CCSD team members who will serve as guides to helping you make the most of your experience. Sign up by logging onto The Pirate Experience and search for “Pirates Navigating Distress” or “CCSD”.


Let’s Talk

Let’s Talk is a drop-in safe space for questions centered around student mental health.

What to Ask About
  • What to expect from counseling
  • On campus resources that support emotional health
  • Concerns about others
  • Stress management
Why it Can Be Helpful
  • Opportunity for students to consult about a concern
  • Gain experience talking with a counselor
  • Learn if counseling can be helpful for you
  • Understand what counseling is

If we believe you could benefit from a higher level of care; as the Let’s Talk counselor, we will make every effort to refer you to other supportive resources, including our counseling center:

  • If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, our crisis services can be accessed by calling our office at 252-328-6661 M-F 8:00AM-5:00PM. After hours crisis services work by calling the same number and selecting ‘2’.

The Let’s Talk Program at East Carolina University is based on the Let’s Talk Program developed at Cornell University. It is nationally recognized for success in increasing student access to mental health care.

Additional Resources

Other ECU resources

Please visit ECU’s Health and Well-Being website to learn more about other resources available on campus.